Being a parent is an amazing, challenging, awesome, and exhausting blessing. No matter how moms become moms and dads become dads – parenting is a full-time job with hours that never end.
When someone becomes a parent through adoption – all the blessings and challenges of being a parent exist, but there are added dimensions that bring added stress.
Knowing the huge responsibility it is to be a parent, I think it is safe to say that every parent could use a few prayers.
The task of raising a child cannot be compared with any other job or vocation. Parenting is the most difficult and most important job in our country and in our world.
The great abolitionist Frederick Douglas once said: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Our society is dependent upon good parenting.
Our hearts long to love our children in the most perfect way.
How tremendous would it be if our world had more strength and less brokenness.
Let us pray for adoptive parents together:
Dear God our Father,
Please help all parents in their role as a mother or father.
Make them an instrument of your peace and love.
Inspire all parents to provide the best example for their children in their words, actions, and temperament.
Encourage all adoptive families to discuss their unique story, and to always stress the love that brought them together.
Help adoptive parents to be merciful and loving in their thoughts and actions when it comes to a child’s birthparents.
Remind adoptive parents that You, Our Eternal Father, love all of us in a way that we could never fully appreciate, and we should strive to imitate that great love.
Generously give adoptive parents the wisdom to provide and care for their children in every situation.
Loving Jesus,
Direct parents’ speech to be loving and helpful;
Guide all parents’ actions to meet the needs of their individual children;
Give parents the patience they need to build strong, loving, and faithful children.