Helpful Tips For Adoptive Parents Choosing Baby Formula
May 16, 2018

Deciding on the right formula for your baby is a daunting task for any new parent, but the decision can often be more confusing for adoptive parents. Adoptive parents usually do not have the luxury of knowing the family history of allergies or how well older siblings handled certain types of formula. Therefore, adoptive parents choosing baby formula often rely on trial and error. Thankfully, offers carefully detailed explanations of key components to help new parents determine which baby formula might be the best for their baby.
There are many things to consider when making a determination of which formula is best, including the type of sweetener, the use of non-GMO materials, and the presence of pre- and probiotics. As explained in the review, formulas based on cow’s milk are always preferable because cow’s milk most closely matches human milk; however, some parents choose to use a soy formula if their pediatrician has determined their baby has a milk allergy. There is no disputing that breast milk is best, but not all adoptive parents choose breastfeeding. And that’s okay. According to the FDA, two-thirds of American infants receive some or all of their nourishment from formula by 3 months of age, so you’re not the only parent using formula. Just remember when choosing a formula, work to get the formula within your budget that most closely resembles breast milk.
Regardless of which baby formula you end up choosing, be mindful of how your baby reacts. If your baby is having a bad reaction to the protein, you will know. Your baby’s sleep and mood will be affected. If your baby is suffering from a formula allergy, you may also notice a rash, diarrhea, or constipation. If you decide to switch formulas, be sure to do it slowly by mixing a bit of the new formula with the old until you have the old completely phased out. You need to wait at least a week to see positive changes and up to 30 days to see a difference in allergic reactions. Some babies do suffer from a milk allergy or lactose intolerance, but both are fairly uncommon. Remember, feeding time is an opportunity to bond with your new baby. Hold your baby’s head up as you feed so their head is above the pelvic line to allow for easier digestion. Don’t prop the bottle up — instead, hold your baby in your arms as you feed to allow for maximum bonding.
The baby formula industry is highly regulated, and every commercial formulation has the same basic amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. You can be confident that no matter which baby formula you choose for your new baby, you are putting their best interests first.