Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Many people use this time of year to reflect on what they have and what they are thankful for. Over the past couple of years there has even been a social media movement where people list something they are thankful for every day.
As a birthmother, adoption is often filled with grief and working through the hard stuff. But I like to try and find the good in all situations. So today I want to reflect on what I am thankful for in relation to adoption.
First and foremost, I am thankful for both of my children; my placed son and the son I am parenting. They each have brought different things into my life, and I am so very thankful I am their Mom. Even though my motherhood to each of them is unique, different, and often filled with challenges, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Secondly, I am thankful that I have an open adoption. While there have been many ups and downs in my open adoption over the years and it is often bittersweet, I'm still extremely grateful for it. I’m thankful for the pictures, updates, and visits I've received. I am so thankful I've had the opportunity to watch my son grow into the happy, amazing, young man he is today.
Third, I'm thankful for the people adoption has brought into my life. My best friend, whom I co-founded BirthMom Buds with, came into my life because of adoption. We are both birthmothers and met each other when looking for birthmother support. I have met many people who are birthmoms, adoptive moms, and adoptees whom I would not have met if it weren't for adoption and my activity in the adoption community.
And lastly, I'm thankful for the opportunities that I have because of my work with BirthMom Buds and my activity in the adoption community, such as writing this blog. I’m thankful for the voice and platform I have been given to share my thoughts and experiences as well as educate and advocate for other birthmothers.
I’d like to wish each of you a blessed Thanksgiving!