310: The Best Advice for Adoptive Parents from Season 3

Ep310 best advice for adoptive parents

Adoption: The Long View Podcast, Episode 310

As we wrap up 2022, we also wrap up Season 3. This year, we have heard from seven adoptees, one birth parent, four adoptive parents, two people who got OFF the adoption roller coaster, and two people in differing roles within their interracial families. We heard from playwrights and podcasters, executives and educators, moms and dads and sons and daughters. This episode distills the best advice from each of them. Throughout the season, I have asked each of our guests what's the most important piece of the long view of adoptive parenting that people miss on the front end? Listen in for a concentrated dose of our experts' best advice.

Show Notes

  • Ep 301: Barbara Herel, adoptive mom & storyteller, on 9 awkward and messy parenting moments
  • Ep 302: Maggie Gallant & Suzanne Bachner, playwrights and adoptees, on how and why to better attune to your adoptee
  • Ep 303: Damon L Davis, adoptee and podcaster, on helping your adoptee put together their puzzle pieces
  • Ep 304: Janelli Ison, adoptee, adoptive parent, adoption policy educator, on the elephant of truth in adoption
  • Ep 305: Joanna Ivey, adoptee and adoptive parent, on the right and wrong ways to tell our adoption stories.
  • Ep 306: Jess Tennant & Greg 0 on what happens if you don't get picked by an expectant mom
  • Ep 307: Tony Hynes, interracial adoptee and adoption educator, on how not to split the baby
  • Ep 308: Lynn Brown, Black mom to white daughters, on typical and peculiar challenges for transracial families
  • EP 309: Allison Olson, adoptee, adoptive mom, and children's book author, on how to talk open adoption with young children


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About this Podcast

Lori Holden (The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole) brings to you an array of articulate and thought-provoking guests with lived experience in adoption, each with valuable insights to share about the all-encompassing journey of parenting an adopted person from babyhood to toddlerhood to school age to teenage -- and ultimately to adulthood. Join us as we explore Adoption: The Long View.

Named a Top 25 Adoption Podcast

Lori Holden