104: Ending Shame & Secrecy

A Discussion About Adoptee Rights With Rich Uhrlaub


Adoption: The Long View Podcast, Episode 104

In this episode, adoptee and activist Rich Uhrlaub addresses the ways that adoptees in many states don't have the same legal rights as the non-adopted. He tells us why original birth certificates were sealed in the closed adoption era, and what the ripple effects have been for adoptive families functioning in shame and secrecy. Long involved in the issue of adoptee rights, Rich was a pivotal player in getting birth records opened to adoptees in his state of Colorado, promoting instead truth and transparency. Great insights for adoptive parents on how to help adopted children answer life's 3 biggest questions.

Show Notes

Website: ASRConline.org
Facebook: Adoption Search Research Connection


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About this Podcast

Lori Holden (The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole) brings to you an array of articulate and thought-provoking guests with lived experience in adoption, each with valuable insights to share about the all-encompassing journey of parenting an adopted person from babyhood to toddlerhood to school age to teenage -- and ultimately to adulthood. Join us as we explore Adoption: The Long View.

Named a Top 25 Adoption Podcast

Lori Holden