202: How To Be The Adoptive Parent Your Child Needs You To Be

Is having an open adoption enough

Adoption: The Long View Podcast, Episode 202

If you’ve ever wondered how you could have an open adoption when you can’t have contact with birth parents, you’ll want to make sure to catch this episode with adoptive parent counselors Katie Biron and Kara Andersen. We cover the differences between openness and contact (and share a new helpful tool with you!). We talk about what openness and closedness mean in adoption, why one leads to a more secure attachment with your child than the other, so you can be the parent your child needs you to be.

Show Notes:

Inclusive Family Support Model Video:

Where does your family land on this grid? Where does your child need you to be? All in under 3 minutes.

Katie’s website: www.FosteringConnectionsforFamilies.com

Katie's Adoptive Parent Group on Facebook: Fostering Connections for Families on Facebook

Kara’s Adoptive Families Support Services

Kara’s STAR Adoptive Parent Group

The Primal Wound, a book mentioned in the episode.


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About this Podcast

Lori Holden (The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole) brings to you an array of articulate and thought-provoking guests with lived experience in adoption, each with valuable insights to share about the all-encompassing journey of parenting an adopted person from babyhood to toddlerhood to school age to teenage -- and ultimately to adulthood. Join us as we explore Adoption: The Long View.

Named a Top 25 Adoption Podcast

Lori Holden