adoption profile - Jim and Dana

Jim and Dana

"We are excited to welcome our blessing to love, cuddle, adore, and love unconditionally."

We have been married for 13 years. Jim loves to play and coach basketball. Dana love to run, read, and cook. We are both very social people that enjoy time with our friends and family.

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About Us

Education: Bachelor degree
Religion: Roman Catholic
Hobbies: playing basketball & coaching kids
What You Should Know About Me:

He is incredibly friendly and kind. The man has never met a stranger. He befriends all. He has a great sense of humor and a wonderful smile.

Education: Bachelor degree
Religion: Baptist
Hobbies: running, book clubs, & laughing with friends
What You Should Know About Me:

If there was ever a way to learn how to be a strong person, it is moving to NY alone and auditioning for casting directors. Dana's laugh has been known to be heard miles away. This is a source of great pride!


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