adoption profile - The Richard Family

The Richard Family

We are a loving family of four with two sweet, energetic and fun boys!

We are a family that keeps our faith at the center of who we are and what we do. We strive to honor all parts of our children and to teach and show them unconditional love. We love to spend time outside, visit area parks, vacation at the beach, serve at our church, and take family walks.

Contact Us

About Us

Age: 37
Occupation: Product Manager for Airbnb
Education: Law School Graduate
Religion: Christian
Hobbies: Reading, Working Out, Yard Work, Basketball
What You Should Know About Me:

Don loves his family above all else. He has a strong faith and a strong work ethic. He is outgoing, level headed, joyful, funny, kind, and generous. He is really looking forward to growing our family by another little one to love.

Age: 38
Occupation: Stay at Home Mom
Education: Bachelor’s Degree
Religion: Christian
Hobbies: Design, Gardening, Playing Games, Exercising
What You Should Know About Me:

Maggie is creative, thoughtful, caring, and funny. She is a devoted mother that finds joy in celebrating the big and small moments in our boys’ lives. She loves to plan their birthday parties, hand make their Halloween costumes, and find ways to add joy to each day. She finds great purpose in being their mom.

Age: 5
Hobbies: Super Heroes, Make Believe, Play Dates
What You Should Know About Me:

Ollie is a tender hearted kid with lots of imagination. At any given time, he will be creating an adventure in his world of make believe. He loves loves loves super heroes (just like his daddy) and has lots of energy! He is outgoing and a definite people person.

Age: 2
Hobbies: Paw Patrol, Playing Outside, Super Heroes
What You Should Know About Me:

Wells is an independent, funny and sometimes feisty little boy that knows what he wants! He is a total cuddle bug and is always up for doing anything his older brother wants him to do. He likes to play outside, dig in the dirt, and run!

Bailey and Sadie
Bailey and Sadie
Age: 9
Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, Chasing Strings, Catting
What You Should Know About Me:

Bailey (male) and Sadie (female) are two cats that we rescued as kittens when they were about 2 months old. They will be 10 in July and have been a part of all of our big life changes!


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